Thursday, January 12, 2012

It's ok...

Hey ya'll!!  I love the "It's ok" linkups I've seen lately and figured I'd join! :)

Thanks Amber!!

It's ok.... still be in my pj's at 4pm...the weather is NASTY and I see no point in doing anything today lol! miss my family probably more than a 25 year old woman should.... talk to my dog like a human being.... get excited whenever I get an email from hubs.  Even if it's just a "good morning." watch the amount of reality tv I do.... STILL not have printed ONE wedding pic for our frames....It's been a year folks eek... probably care for my patients more than I should...still working on the whole "keep work at work thang"..... keep an eye on my off days to coordinate trips back home...... love our fireplace so much that I will probably use it even when it's only 60 degrees out....

Hope ya'll are having a great day!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Blahsies


Gosh, it's been so long I'm not sure if anyone reads my little ole blog anymore (other than my parents :))
but hi!

I feel like I've been gone for forever.  I'm not gonna lie ya'll the last month or so (exluding the holidays) have been less than sweet.

You see, I'm a new nurse.  I graduated last December, but with Josh's job and us moving, I am just starting out in this big bad world of nursing.  And it's been a wee bit overwhelming.  To the point of depression on my part.  Ugh, and I hate feeling like this because I am SO incredibly blessed with my life and the people in it, but boy do I feel down lately.

Maybe it's the combination of a new city, the field of Oncology, the cold, and not having really anyone to lean on other than Josh here. 

But it's bad.  When I come home from work I don't want to move.  When I have days off I can't shake the dread of work and can't enjoy myself.  My poor husband, parents, friends, I know I'm not the happiest to be around and I don't know what to do.

Don't get me wrong, I do have good days at work.  I enjoy my patients (for the most part), and the people I work with, but it's a little more than I can handle at times.  I hear the same respones every time someone asks how it's going....

"Oh, that's normal to feel nervous, overwhelmed, silly, etc. etc." 
"Comes with being a new nurse"
"etc etc"

And I get it....


I've read a million times over how normal this is for new nurses....


it WILL get better and I will feel more confident in myself.  It will just take time...

But until then I'm trying so desperately to pull myself outta this funk.  For real.

If you're still reading this, I commend you.  I really hate posting depressing shenanigans like this because I really am blessed to have a job....

This too shall pass....

Until then complete me.

Sunday, January 1, 2012


The time has come.

Let's just say the holidays and being on the road for 10+ days is not conducive to healthy eating!

So today is the day.....

Back on the eating decent bandwagon....

 As gross as this looks, it was really good and I didn't feel like throwing myself in the lake after (let's just say I contemplated it when I consumed 25 truffles the other day...).

Hope everyone had a great New Year's eve and day!