Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Full House

Josh and I were super excited when we found out that Josh's brother Chris and his little family were coming in this weekend to hang.  They recently moved to Ohio, so we're happy to have some fam join us in the Midwest! 

...And thennnnn Josh found out his former coworker was in Chicago for the weekend and was going to spend Saturday with us as well.  So needless to say we had a full house!

Can I just say how much I love Josh's family?  He is the oldest of four boys and they are all great with even greater wives!  I really couldn't have asked for better sis in law's because whenever we all get together we have such a good time! 

I suspect that Mal (Chris' wife) and I would be "real life" friends regardless of if we were tied together by marriage.  Whenever we get together we have the best time.  It was really good to get some good "girl talk" in and to meet Josh and I's new nephew Lincoln!  He's six months old and is ADORABLE!  It was the first time we have met him since we all live so far away, so we were ecstatic!

                 Here are a few pics from the weekend:


                Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!!


  1. Awwww, he is adorable! I love having a full house. It always feels so homey!

  2. Thanks girl! Yeah, it was sad saying goodbye!
